Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Our First Accident On the Road

So Evan has been pretty good about staying dry in his BVDs. When we go out and about (today we went into Seattle and he did great!) he will pee before we leave the house, pee while we're out and pee when we get home.

This afternoon we did a quick errand to Target. Evan refused to pee before we left the house. We were in Target for maybe 10 minutes at the most. Then it's a 10 minute car ride home. Super short! We get home and Evan starts walking in the house. This is our conversation:

Evan: "My BVDs are wet."

Momma: "Why are they wet?!"

Evan: "Be-cauuuusse I waited too long."

Sure enough, his jeans were soaked through and he needed to get cleaned up. I'm surprised it's been this long for him to have an accident in the car. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I was still shocked.

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