Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mr. Independent

Last week it was like a switch was flipped inside of Evan and he wanted to be so independent. In everything he did, he would tell me, "Evan do. No Momma help" and he would move my hand away. So here are all the wonderfully grown-up things Evan showed us he could do on his own:

* He attempted to put on his own socks. He got one on. The other made him extremely frustrated and he finally accepted help from Pops.

* Use the potty. He was standing on his stool and said he needed privacy. So I left him and hoped he would have good aim. I overheard him pee, put down the seat (what a good boy!), climb up on the stool and wash his hands, wipe his hands on the towel, and turn off the lights.
He said, "I don't need privacy anymore. I made shi shi!"

* Dress himself. After the privacy incident, he came out and then started putting his BVDs and pants on. Wow! We were amazed! He had the biggest smile on his face and looked so proud of his accomplishments!

* Read his books. We usually read two books to Evan before nap and bedtime. Now, Evan chooses to read books to us. It's so funny, but also pretty amazing to see the memory on this kid!

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