Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Diver Man Suit

I am constantly amazed at the extent of Evan's imagination. Lately, he has taken his pretend-world to a whole new level. Something that he and Pops do (it's their thing, which I love!) is put on a diver man suit. Before bath time, Evan strips off his clothes and then Pops helps him put on his diver suit, flappers (fins), gloves and helmet. All of this is pretend and we have a naked dude in his pretend diver man suit. He then gets into his bath and pretends to feed the fish.

He has really taken off with playing independently. Some of his favorite people he pretends to be are: diver man, mail man, house cleaner, yard cleaner, doctor, and car washer. Yesterday I joined him in his play room and found that ALL of his toys were stacked in a corner - he was the mail man delivering packages.

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