Friday, June 13, 2008

The Dreaded Double V's

I was fortunate not to have dealt with varicose veins while pregnant with Evan. This time around - not so lucky.

A couple months ago I noticed my left leg looked 'veiny.' Not horrible, but the veins just looked more prominent than normal. I mentioned this to my OB at the last check up and he suggested wearing maternity panty hose. It would provide light support and that might be all I need cause my case is not too severe - yet! Good thing it's summer and panty hose is the last thing I want to be wearing as it will hopefully start warming up soon. So I'm giving it a try and we shall see. Luckily, my legs are not in pain. It's purely an aesthetic thing for now.

My doctor also mentioned that standing still is the worst thing for circulation. I didn't realize how much I did this until he pointed it out: stuff like washing the dishes, cooking, baking, sewing, getting breakfast and lunch together... geez, do I sounds like Suzie Homemaker or what?! So I'm going to try and get off my feet at every opportunity and give these poor veins a break.

Here's a helpful article I found on Baby Center.

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