Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nov 20 Evanisms

* Evan has a new saying that I get such a kick out of. When I read to him a fun fact from his book or magazine, he remarks in the most amused voice, "That was interesting!"

* At dinner, we were discussing the slowing economy and how Hawai'i is getting hit pretty hard, trickle-down economy, etc. Evan wants to be a part of the conversation and he whispered in a silly voice, "And that's why everyone is coming to Issaquah!"

* Evan has been coming home from school and telling me about "Sammy". Today Sammy pushed Brian. Today Sammy touched my body. Today Sammy said naughty words and she had to sit on the porch. I met a cute little girl named Sammy in his class, so I didn't think anything. But then I got a flash of brilliance. "Evan, are YOU Sammy?" I thought maybe he was disguising his misdeeds by saying it was Sammy. But no, Evan said that Sammy is doing all those naughty things and not him. He's pretty good about telling me about when he does something naughty at school, so I hope he continues to be honest with me! How funny would that be, if he started blaming things on Sammy!

* Some of the new phrases that Evan uses besides, "That's interesting!"

"I'm adorable!"
"That's terrible!"
"That's horrible!"

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