Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Tonight we had an interesting conversation about race/ethnicity with Evan. From Pops, the kids are Hawaiian and Chinese. From me, they are Japanese. So here goes...

Pops: Are you Hawaiian?

Evan: Probably not. Probably Chinese.

Pops: Yes, you're Chinese. But you're Hawaiian, too. What else are you?

Evan: Probably Mexican.

Ha ha!

Last night, Evan got a hair cut. We kept commenting on how rascal he looked after getting the hair cut. Rascal and handsome, of course. Well, he checked himself out in the mirror and exclaimed, "Wow, I look like an Asian boy!" Uh, that's probably cause you are an Asian boy.

1 comment:

ForresterMom said...

that is soo funny! I can totally hear Evan saying those things...and then giggling.