Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Backyard - New & Improved

Here are pictures of our new and improved backyard.

We ripped out the old, rotting deck and put in a new one. We also made it bigger. Check out the front of the deck - our new plants. From left to right - Evan's flower bed, Poppa's rosemary, Poppa's chili peppers, Evan & Grandma's flowers from last year, and my gardenias. Oh, it smells so good!

Here's the sidewalk that runs along the side of our house to the back sliding door. We put Evan's handprint and Ellena's footprint in the concrete. I ended up filling the sides with dirt and then laying river rock over it. Hardest work EVER.

Here's a shot of the front of the house. Rhody bushes are where the spruce used to be. Sidewalk starts here and goes all the way to the back. Nice and smooth for wheeling out trash cans!

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