Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sign Language

Ellena has picked up a few signs, which has been helpful - especially at meal time. She knows, "more", "all done" and "milk".

Every night after bath time, Poppa takes Ellena to her room and gives her a bedtime bottle. He always asks her what she's going to get. She opens and closes her hand to show the sign for milk. And then she waves bye bye to us as she leaves. However, Pops has drilled the "milk" sign into her so that ANY question he asks her, she responds with the milk sign.

Today she was in a giggly mood so I brought out the camera to capture some smiles. I kept asking her, "Where are your smiles, Ellena?" And she replied with the milk sign. Too funny. So the above pic is of Ellena making her milk sign in response to my questions for a smile.

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