Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Today we went in for Evan's 4 year and Ellena's 15 month wellness check ups. Evan hasn't had shots since he was 2, so I was a little apprehensive of how this would all go down. Yesterday I took Ellena in to check if her cold turned into an infection (it didn't!) and the on-call doctor said to basically give Evan the shot before he even knows what's going on. Obviously, this doctor doesn't know my Evan. My guy is the ultimate planner. He needs to know what is going to happen and when it's going to happen. So today I told him that they were going to get flu shots this afternoon and we'd get a special treat after because they were so brave (Evan chose Baskin Robbins).

So the whole day, Evan is looking forward to getting his flu shot (seriously). When we get to the doctor's office, he keeps asking to get his shot. Sorry dude, they save that part for last. We decided to do 2 of the 4 shots that he needs before starting Kindergarten, rather than save it all for next year. We also got the flu shot and they had H1N1 in, so we got that one too. So in all, Evan got 4 pokes. Ouch! He was so amazingly brave. The first one didn't phase him. The second one hurt, so he didn't want to do the last two. I talked him through it and they were over before he knew it. Phew! A few tears were shed, but nothing earth-shattering. What a trooper! Even the nurse was surprised with how well it all went. And Evan was quite tickled to choose FOUR stickers, when he usually only gets one. But I had to clarify with him that he got 4 because he got 4 pokes, and not because he was 4 years old. We have to go back in a month for the flu boosters - we'll see how anxious he'll be to get poked again... But if a treat is involved, I'm sure it'll help a little.

Ellena got 3 pokes and also did well. Such tough kids! They really enjoyed their rainbow sorbet, too!

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