Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back to Work!

In a whirlwind of events, I went back to work! I interviewed for an Educational Assistant position at an elementary school 5 minutes away from the kids' school and was offered the job a couple days later on a Friday. I started work the following Tuesday before the kids started their school year! It was a crazy time, but work is going well. I'm slowly starting to learn the names of the children and teachers. I will be assisting the Reading Specialist and doing reading groups. We don't have kids yet, but that will start up soon! I also supervise recess and the lunchroom and do some afternoon crossing guard duties. It's part time and I still get to drop the kids off at their school. The workday flies by and the kids enjoy their new afternoon activities (since I can't be there to pick them up). Thank goodness for good friends (built in playdate twice a week) and after school program twice a week, which they love. Even though I can be there by 3:30 to pick them up, they ask to stay til 5 PM because they have so much fun. I'm off on Wednesdays and have been going to all of the regular doctor check-ups that I was pushing off in the summer. It's been a busy time, but we're all having a blast. Thank goodness Pops can help out a lot and is always supportive!

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