Monday, April 26, 2010

21 Months!

Today Ellena is 21 months old! I can't believe she will soon be 2! The terrrrrrrrrrible twos! We were very fortunate to have a mild 2-week "test my boundaries" period when Evan turned 2. Something tells me we won't have that luxury with this one... cause the terrible 2's have already started! Ellena can be so hard headed (like her Momma), impatient (like her Momma), frustrated (cause she's not getting her way) and sassy (to Momma and especially Poppa, but not so much to everyone else).

A big change for her in the last week or so: She used to refer to Evan exclusively as "Brother." She has just started calling him "Eban".

We are having battles with her clothes (already?!) - she only wants to wear her kitty costume, which I tell her is still drying. Yes, it takes a week to dry, or so I say. So I let her pick out two new outfits at Target in an effort to get her to like her other clothes. Here she is modeling one of the outfits.

She also fights me on wearing socks (no socks, Momma, NO SOCKS!), getting buckled into the car seat, having her hair done, drinking water from a bottle - the battles never cease around here!

But with the sassitude, comes so much love and affection and makes us very thankful that we have such amazing kids.

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