Tuesday, March 16, 2010


You have been forewarned - this will be a gross story.

Today I took the kids to eat lunch at Yoko Teriyaki. At the end of the meal, I discovered Ellena pooped, so we all three went to the potty to get her cleaned up. Ok, that's done... But wait, now Evan is saying he has to go poop, too. His exact words were, "I have to use the potty. Hmm, it's not shi shi! I guess it's poooop!" So I get him set up and he's really struggling. "I feel like I have to poop, but nothing is coming out!" Patience, son, patience.

He finally goes and then he starts giving me a play by play. "There's a fat poop, there's a skinny poop, there's a long poop, there's a short poop. There's even a curly poop!" Cause that isn't funny enough, he gets off and as we're washing up, he starts singing, "That was the biggest poop EVER" over and over. Can you imagine if there was someone outside the restroom waiting their turn? I would have been rolling on the floor! And with that, I wish everyone a happy poop!

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