Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A New Neighborhood Friend

The kids and I made a new friend in the neighborhood - of the 4-legged variety! A little black kitten was roaming our neighborhood and came by to visit while we played outside. She was very friendly, curious and daring! She climbed the cherry blossom tree a few times - the first time she used the branches and ground cover to break her fall - the kids were AMAZED by this acrobatic feat. The following times she made it down herself. The last time I had to help her down (and I think I made a friend for life - uh oh!) Because she is mostly black, Ellena thought it was Poki and was very concerned that Poki was running into the street. We explained that this is a different kitty, but she does look like Poki. So the kids named her "Poke-a-roo".

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