Saturday, July 6, 2013

King Wiggly Tooth

I didn't get emotional when Evan went off to Kindergarten and I don't see myself doing that this fall when it's Ellena's turn. I know they are growing up, but I've been rolling with it. Well, yesterday, I was totally thrown for a loop. Ellena exclaimed, "I have a wiggly tooth!" Ellena has been asking since she was 3 years old, "When am I going to lose my teeth?" Seeing Evan lose his teeth and getting money for it made her very anxious. At 3 years old, I told her it would be a while. And before she's even 5 years old, her first tooth is about to fall out! For some reason, this of all things has got me wanting to put the brakes on my baby growing up! But we're very excited for Ellena and think her first tooth will fall out any day now. Her second will not be far behind!

Last night, Poppa joked if Ellena wanted to be a princess... since she cannot stand being called a princess. She exclaimed, "NO! I want to be a KING!" So we started calling her King Wiggly Tooth.

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