Friday, January 4, 2008

Jan. 4 Evanisms

So my husband came up with the word "Evanisms" to describe the funny things Evan says. Here are a few that happened last night and today.

*In the middle of eating dinner, Evan says, "Momma has diarrhea bug, ha ha ha!" What was so funny was that it was so random - and honestly, it was untrue... really... seriously.

*Last night I was putting Evan down for the night and I was saying good night. He gave me a hug and said, "Momma, sit in chair and watch Evan sleep." I was like, "When do I ever do that? I say good night, give you a kiss and leave your room." And he repeated it, "Momma, sit in chair and watch Evan sleep."

*Today at the library we were in the Children's section. After grabbing a few books, I said, "Evan, let's go look for Momma's book now." (It was on the hold shelf, ready for pick-up.) Evan walked right up to the librarian's desk (and for some reason lowered his voice to this deep growl), and said, "Where's Momma's book?" I don't think the librarian heard him, so I nudged him away and he looked at me and said, "Evan asked, Evan asked." Yup, Evan asked alright.

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