Saturday, September 26, 2009

14 months

Ellena is 14 months old today! She is standing on her own more and more, but still prefers crawling and cruising. I noticed that she will not walk to me - only to Pops. She kinda expects me to just carry her around.

She has made great strides with her separation anxiety. We have been going to the gym almost every weekday and she is fully adjusted there. We have also gone to a couple library storytimes. She tends to be a little apprehensive at first and then warms up towards the end. Next week we start her once a week pre-preschool.

Ellena is starting to say a lot of words now:

"Mama" - when she's really sad and needs her Momma

"Papa" - for Pops; she also calls me this most of the time

"ba" - ball

"bye" - bye. This is one of her favorite words. She loves to say bye and wave.

"browww" - cat. Not sure if she's trying to say "meow" and combined this with "Brown" which is what we call Piko.

"fshhhhh" - fish

Here she is mean-muggin' for the camera. I asked her to make a sour face and she complied:

Here she is signing for "more". Her sign language has really come along. Although she uses the water sign as her universal "I'm thirsty" sign.

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