Thursday, September 3, 2009

Animals, According to Evan

Evan and I had a conversation about animals today. Again, it's always fun to see how this boy's brain works.

Evan said, "We talked about crocodiles and alligators at school today. Crocodiles have sharp teeth. Alligators sleep with their eyes open."

I told him, "Ooh, so he can see you while he sleeps!"

Evan gave me this look like I'm crazy and said, "No, cause I don't go by the rivers."

We were looking at animal flash cards with fun facts on them and Evan would tell me what they were. When we came to chameleon, he went into this long description: "I know what that is. He changes color on leaves so other animals don't eat him and they need to find another snack."

When we came to humpback whales, I told him when it gets too cold, they go all the way to Maui to visit Grandma Sue cause it's warm there. He said, "But they can't FLY there (cause we told him the only way to get to HI is to fly on the airplane)." True, but they swim. Evan then said, "He's going to be really tired after!"

There was a card about an animal that hunted at night and rested during the day. I asked him what that was (looking for the answer - nocturnal.) Instead, Evan said, "Vampires do that." True.

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