Monday, February 18, 2008

Bowling Mania

Yesterday we went to a friend's birthday party at the bowling alley. Evan LOVED it! He is familiar with bowling from Wii and his own bowling set. But to see the real thing, that was pretty cool for him. He had been looking forward to going to the bowling alley for over a week. When the day finally arrived, he was psyched!

This place was so great for kids. They put up bumpers so there's no chance of getting a gutter ball and you can request a ramp so all you have to do is place the ball at the top of the ramp and let your child push the ball down. Evan got at least 2 spares!

And here is Evan after a long day of bowling and playing with the big boys. That's a cracker in his
mouth. He insisted on eating it, but fell asleep before he could finish chewing it. Classic!

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