Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lil' Babe AKA Number 2

For the last week or so, I've been really anxious to find out if we're having a boy or girl. I don't know if it's because friends who are a little further along are finding out what they're having or what. This pregnancy has been pretty easy-going so far, knock on wood, and very similar to Evan. So maybe it's a boy. But I was much queasier this time, so maybe it's a girl! Maybe it's a girl with Evan's mellow personality! :) I heard moms tell me about their little ones doing somersaults in the womb and giving pretty ferocious kicks and jabs. Evan was a little sweetie. He kicked from time to time, but was always very gentle. After our first four months of hell (colic? jaundice? pissy for being induced a week early?) Evan really mellowed out and continues to be an even-tempered little dude. My angel! The funniest kicking story we have of Evan in utero was one time when we were driving. My husband has a police radar detector and it detected a laser being shot at us. It sounded the loudest, most obnoxious alarm. Evan started kicking away! I can just imagine him taking a little snooze and being rudely awaken by that sound. Too funny.

It was quite early when I could feel Lil' Babe's kicks - at around 14 weeks. It was nice and gentle and continues to be that way. Evan likes to rest his head on my belly and say, "Evan lie on lil' babe." He gives my belly kisses and talks to the babe. It's too precious. The cats also like to lie on me and purr and this gets Lil' Babe going, too. Hopefully he/she will come out a cat lover like Evan and the rest of us!

We are now at 18 weeks (just 22 more weeks!) and anxiously awaiting our ultrasound appointment around Easter next month. Hopefully Lil' Babe will cooperate and show his/her parts so we have a definite answer! I've asked Evan what he thinks he'll be having and he said brother. A few days later he answered sister. So I guess he'll be right either way.

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