Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nov 26

Ellena is 4 months old today! She continues to be such a sweetheart. What she's up to lately:

While lying on her back, she can lift her legs in the air and roll to her right side. She doesn't usually go much further, because she hates being on her stomach! So lazy!

She continues to delight us with her sweet coos, giggles, and blowing bubbles with her mouth.

She sleeps from 8 - 8; about once a month, she seems to wake up for a 3 AM bottle and I get so disoriented (spoiled!). Uhh, what am I supposed to do with you now?

If the tv is on, she wants to watch. She's become a football junkie.

She gave Poki her first smile the other day. Maybe they are over their girl rivalry thing.

She's really enjoying watching Evan. He will walk around and around her and she tracks him the whole time.

She takes a morning nap and afternoon nap. She's mostly forced to nap on the road in the morning while I do errands. I put her in her crib in the afternoon and like clockwork, she cries for 8 minutes and then sleeps for about 45 minutes. Then she's up and wants me to sling her. The above picture is her "slingy smile". When she sees the sling, she breaks into the hugest smile.

1 comment:

ForresterMom said...

How much do you love your sling!! I am hooked! I have a Mei Tai now and Will loves it!