Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2nd Evanisms

* Evan saw a picture of a snail and called it a worm. I told him it looked like a worm, but it's a snail because it had a shell on his back. The shell was his home and he carries it on his back. Evan then said, "He's a muscle man! He carries wipes around too." What does he do with the wipes? "It's to wipe his butthole when he poops... on the ground... and in the toilet!"

* I asked Evan what he had for snack today at school. He said, "party mix, goldfish and Cheerios." Then he went on to tell me a story about snack time. "The boy told Evan 'no more.' Because Evan took too much. But not everyone like the party mix. I liked it."

* We have confirmation - there is a boy in Evan's class named Joshua. He's about 5 years old. Evan said Joshua "is a big boy and that he goes to five schools." When I asked how he goes to five schools, he gave me this total "duh, mom" look and said, "His mom picks him up and takes him to the other schools!"

* Today Evan got an ouchy at school. It was quite traumatic. I think he got it from the pushpin. There was blood on his finger and tears in his eyes when I picked him up. Turns out, he refused to let the teachers help him put a bandaid on. He insisted only his momma could do that. So we had to have a little chat that the teachers are there to help him. I'm not sure if it really sunk in for him, but hopefully he'll be ok the next time.

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