Monday, June 30, 2008

6/30 School Update

I'm learning more and more about Evan's school, from Evan's perspective. Today they had string cheese for a snack. He brought home a picture of a hippo that he used a pushpin to trace. I'm almost positive that "goshwash" is in fact a boy that he's friends with named Joshua. He's pronouncing it more like "gosh-u-wash" now. It sounds like today Joshua was wearing a yellow shirt (from our I-Spy webcam, I believe there were two boys besides Evan wearing a yellow shirt, so this could be accurate info!) Evan also repeats conversations he's had with his classmates. One of them went like this:

Evan: "A boy came over and asked to sit on a chair. Evan said, 'Sorry, there's no chair for you!' That made the boy sad. Then Evan said, 'That's ok.'"

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